| Sifters Materials 1.5" x .75" (or larger) Lumber Pieces. 2 pieces 22" long. 2 pieces 38.5" long. Use scrap lumber or buy the cheapest wood they have that doesn't have too many splinters .25" galvanized mesh. 24" wide. 41" long. (I could only find mesh 24" wide. This didn't give me room to wrap the mesh over the sides. I strongly recommend you get mesh wide enough to wrap over the edge if you can find it.) Carpenter's Glue 8 Screws .75" wide Wooden Screen Edging. 2 pieces 24" long. (Also get 2 pieces 38.5" long if you can wrap mesh over long sides of screen.) Staples Short Nails
Measure wheelbarrow, Cut boards, Sand splinters, Make square frame, Attach mesh, Cover edge of mesh with screen edging ref: www.mastercomposter.com